中國香港體適能總會 主辦

Organizer: Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China


Physical Fitness Assessment Day, PFA Day



Have you ever assessed?
Are you willing to understand your physical fitness status? For lifelong wellness, you are cordially invited to spend two to three minutes on doing two specially selected physical fitness tests.


Waist circumference measure is used to reflect the problem of central obesity and understand the status of cardiovascular and metabolic health.


Method:Use a measuring tape to measure the horizontal circumference at the midpoint between the lower margin of the last palpable rib and the top of the iliac crest (World Health Organization, 2008). Unit of measure: cm. Remark:The measuring tape should be held at a level parallel to the floor and its tightness should be held snugly, but not constricting.

測試圖解1,Diagram 1


Now, you are invited to measure your own waist circumference. Let’s start!


Please enter your waist circumference reading, remember the unit of measure is in centimeters.

腰圍 Waist circumference:


To judge whether you have the problem of central obesity more accurately, as well as understand your cardiovascular and metabolic health, you need to enter your age and gender.

年歲 Age:

性別 Gender: Male Female


Chair sit-and-reach test is used to evaluate the flexibility of lower back and posterior thigh, assess the range of motion of human joints and understand the status of musculo-skeletal health.

方法:坐在椅子邊沿 (注意椅子穩固);一腳向前伸展,足跟著地,腳尖自然指向天;另一腳屈曲90度,腳踏實地;雙手中指互叠伸直,彎腰向前,儘量靠近伸直腳的腳尖,保持兩秒 (膝蓋必須保持伸直);量度中指與腳尖之間的距離。

Sit on the edge of a stable chair. Extend one leg and put the heel on the ground with toes pointing upwards. Bend another leg at 90 degrees with foot placing on the ground. Cross the thumbs, overlap the middle fingers, reach forwards slowly as far as possible and hold the stretch for 2 seconds (keep the leg straightened). Measure the distance between middle finger and toe.


If fingers cannot touch toes, the reading will be with “negative” sign; if fingers pass through toes, the reading will be “positive”. Unit of measure: cm


Remark:Do warm-up and stretching exercise prior to the test. No pain and severe soreness should be produced during the test.

測試圖解2,Diagram 2


Now, you are invited to do the chair sit-and-reach test. You need some help from a partner for taking the reading. Let’s start!


Please enter the result of chair sit-and-reach test, remember the unit of measure is in centimeters.

先選擇 First select:
能觸腳尖(正數) Able to reach toes (Positive value)
未能觸腳尖(負數) Unable to reach toes (Negative value)

再輸入距離 Then enter the distance in cm:


You have completed the two specially selected physical fitness tests already and stepped forward to a new page of wellness. Your brief physical fitness report is shown below:

報告圖片1,Report Diagram 1

你的年歲 Your Age :

你的性別 Your Gender :

你的腰圍(cm) Your Waist Circumference(cm) :

評語: Comment:


Your waist circumference is within standard range. You are not centrally obese. The health risks in relation to cardiovascular and metabolic systems are not distinct. You are recommended to continue to adopt healthy lifestyle, pay attention to balanced diet and participate in regular physical activities.


Your waist circumference exceeds the standard range. The problem of central obesity likely persists. The health risks in relation to cardiovascular and metabolic systems are distinct. You are recommended to review your lifestyle immediately and consult exercise professionals for further advices. You have to get advices from health and medical professionals for ways to reduce health risks as soon as possible.

報告圖片2,Report Diagram 2

你的年歲 Your Age :

你的性別 Your Gender :

你的坐前伸距離(cm) Your Sit-and-Reach Distance(cm) :

評語: Comment:


Your performance of chair sit-and-reach is within standard range. It implies that the flexibility of lower back and posterior thigh and the range of motion of spine and hip joints are normal. The health risks in relation to musculo-skeletal system are not distinct. You are recommended to continue to pay attention to your musculo-skeletal health and do more stretching exercises. This will reduce the susceptibility of joint and muscle injuries.


Your performance of chair sit-and-reach is below standard range. It implies that the flexibility of lower back and posterior thigh and the range of motion of spine and hip joints are not good. The health risks in relation to musculo-skeletal system are distinct. You are recommended to pay attention to your musculo-skeletal health and consult exercise professionals for further advices. More stretching exercises have to be done and this will reduce the susceptibility of joint and muscle injuries.


To improve cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness and promote bone health and cardiovascular as well as metabolic health biomarkers:

  • 兒童和青年
    Children and Youth
    • 兒童和青年應該每天至少累積60分鐘的中等至劇烈強度體能活動。
      Children and youth should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily.
    • 大部分的日常體能活動應該是有氧的。
      Most of the daily physical activity should be aerobic.
    • 應當至少每週3次納入劇烈強度的活動,其中包括加強肌肉和骨骼的活動種類。
      Vigorous-intensity activities should be incorporated, including those that strengthen muscle and bone, at least 3 times per week.
  • 成年人
    • 成年人應該每星期至少累積150分鐘中等強度有氧體能活動。
      Adults should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week.
    • 每次的有氧活動應持續執行至少10 分鐘。
      Aerobic activity should be performed in bouts of at least 10 minutes duration.
    • 為強化肌肉,每周應針對主要肌肉群進行2天或更多的鍛煉活動。
      Muscle-strengthening activities should be done involving major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week.


For exercise beginners whose pace of living is fast, you are advised to start gentle stretching programmes at home, at the workplace and outdoors first. It is an initial step of your wellness exercise journey for the preparation of your physical body!


  • 中國香港體適能總會(2017)體適能導師綜合理論。香港:中國香港體適能總會。
  • 世界衞生組織(2010)關於身體活動有益健康的全球建議。日內瓦:世界衞生組織。
  • 許世全(2015)實用體適能測試與評估。香港:陳湘記圖書有限公司。


  • 中國香港體適能總會(2017)體適能導師綜合理論。香港:中國香港體適能總會。
  • World Health Organization (2010) Global Recommendations on Physical activity for Health. Genva: WHO Press.
  • 許世全(2015)實用體適能測試與評估。香港:陳湘記圖書有限公司。


地點:灣仔 香港會議展覽中心 5樓 「健康博覽2018」 會場

會場內特設『健康體適能測試專區』,為大家提供攻更多元及更詳盡的體適能測試及諮詢服務。 了解更多

You are cordially invited to participate in the events of "PFA Day" scheduled between 8 and 10 June 2018. The programme detail is shown below:

Date: 8-10 June 2018 (Fri to Sun)
Time: 1000-1900
Venue: Exhibition Hall, Health Expo 2018, 5/F, Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Centre, Wanchai

A zone of health and fitness assessment will be set up in the exhibition hall. You will be provided with more diversified and informative fitness assessment and consultation services. Know More


Free Download of E-ticket of Health Expo 2018


To acknowledge your participation in the above “PFA Day” specially selected physical fitness tests, you are eligible for a lucky draw activity. As many as 100 people will be awarded for free PFA Day exercise gifts (valued HK$100 per each).